The food and company were great; the opening ceremonies were... interesting. Perplexing, random, bizarre, hilarious, quirky- pick your adjective. I had a hard time staying awake, and I blame it on the floating beds. They looked so cozy. All except for the one with the giant floating baby's head. What was that about? Perhaps I am not sophisticated enough to understand the wit behind the whole shebang.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
the whole shebang
Got an oil can, anybody? Yesterday, I got a crook in my shoulder. I feel like I'm squeaking like the tin man. Sometimes that happens since the accident, but eventually the spare parts always jigger back to a better hidey hole and it goes away. I am in the waiting stage now and trying to ignore it. I'm done complaining now.
Say, how about those opening ceremonies? Our buddies, Lance and Pat, had a London-themed watching party where all the guests happily imbibed traditional English pub beers and libations, fish and chips, and English cheeses. I'd not had Stilton before - it is luscious - so pungent, and it sure delivers on the flava flav. I'm thinking of starting a Stilton fan club. Want to join?
The food and company were great; the opening ceremonies were... interesting. Perplexing, random, bizarre, hilarious, quirky- pick your adjective. I had a hard time staying awake, and I blame it on the floating beds. They looked so cozy. All except for the one with the giant floating baby's head. What was that about? Perhaps I am not sophisticated enough to understand the wit behind the whole shebang.
The food and company were great; the opening ceremonies were... interesting. Perplexing, random, bizarre, hilarious, quirky- pick your adjective. I had a hard time staying awake, and I blame it on the floating beds. They looked so cozy. All except for the one with the giant floating baby's head. What was that about? Perhaps I am not sophisticated enough to understand the wit behind the whole shebang.
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