Friday, August 23, 2013

Coming clean: what we talk about when we talk about soap

I have a friend who's magic potion is lipstick. If she needs to reward herself for getting her yearly mammogram, or has had a bad night's sleep, or is hot or cold or happy or sad or bored or mad, or has a hangnail or stubbed toe, she heads to Ulta, her cosmetic store of choice, to purchase a new lipstick. She single-handedly keeps the place in business. I love hearing the names of her latest conquests and seeing each luscious shade as she makes an entrance, leading with the lips. One day, I'll ask to see her collection. When I breach the lipstick room, I'll bring Agnes, my camera, along so I can show you.

Me? Of course I have a magic potion. Doesn't everyone? Mine's not lipstick, though. My lips are the thin Irish kind, so Bodacious Bombshell or Ravishing Raspberry would be wasted on me. I stick to coral, enjoying an elixir more in keeping with my strengths.

I don't have many claims to fame, but I like to think I'm pretty darn good at personal hygiene. On workout days, I usually take two showers. During my glory days as a crossing guard, I usually took three showers. Fine by me. It allowed me to buy more soap. What could be more exciting than a new delightful-smelling bar of soap: my drug of choice? The bonus is that you get to carry the scent with you all day on your skin.

My interest in soap makes gift buying easy for Quiet Guy, my husband and sidekick. He stays at great hotels on business trips, so all he has to do is squirrel away a few adorable little hotel soaps and I am a happy camper. It's the simple things. It really is, which brings me to today's exciting news.

I just tried out a new grocery store, Ruibal's Rosemeade Market & Greenhouse. It's a farmer's market/grocery/plant nursery combined. They've got great produce and (drum roll, please...) a soap I, heretofore, had never encountered. It was even on sale, a sign, if ever there was one, to seal the deal.

Yay! Can't wait to try my precious. Geranium. Who knew? It smells amazing. Whatever your magic potion may be, treat yourself today. As long as it's not illegal, that is. You deserve it. It's Friday! Enjoy!


  1. Replies
    1. It is on Rosemeade just east of Marsh in Carrollton, Texas.

  2. Ooh, I love that scent in their other products, didn't know they were making soap now, yay!

    1. It is amazing. My whole bathroom still smells of geranium.

  3. that look like some great smelling soap- i also like good soap - i just have to be careful with my allergies

    1. Maybe you can try this kind out when you come in September!
