Monday, October 7, 2013

State Fair

I don't have a lot of time, but I wanted to say that the Texas State Fair is not to be missed if you can help it. My sisters and I went there last Tuesday to see the new Big Tex, eat some fried food, see some pigs race and see some cooking demos. The new Tex is about as interesting as the old Tex. Hey, people - things change- accept it.

Apparently the new Tex has been somewhat controversial, what with his darker skin color, fancy boots and larger size. I say, life is short, roll with it, peeps. We cannot always choose what happens (old Tex burned down), but we can choose to be happy now (new Tex is adorable in his own way. And besides, he's not a real person so, icon or no, who really cares all that much?)

We also saw the African Acrobats show, which was short, but cool. We got there early and chatted some with the guys, who were so nice. Those dudes work hard and really get around. They have performed all over Europe and in lots of states, like Pennsylvania, where they do school assemblies.

1 comment:

  1. Actually it makes sense that Tex is tan- when you think about the Texas cowboy being out in the hot sun all day he would have to be tan!! I will never forget our cooking lesson on "head cheese"- next time i head head cheese - I will "head" on out with a "cheesy" grin!!!
