Wednesday, March 26, 2014

instances of grace

Don't you just love it when something unexpectedly good happens? I live for such moments. I call them instances of grace. Last night, my book group met at Central Market. We chatted in the dining area till the place closed down. We do that. Not saying we're blabbermouths, buuuuttt... a few of us may be. Just before we left (aka were ushered out), a cheerful, bright-eyed employee from the floral department swept up to our booth and handed each us a bouquet of daffodils. Love that! Having bloomed, the daffodils would not be suitable to sell the next day, so flower gal decided to give them away. To us. Yay! Have I told you yellow is my favorite color? I usually tell QG flowers are too expensive, give me the cash instead, but now I am rethinking.

Second unexpectedly good thing yesterday was my acupuncture appointment. Let me just say that acupuncture hurts. But it's worth it. I have a friend who likes to rhapsodize about how good acupuncture feels. She claims she ends each session by requesting a needle in the top of her head, which it makes her feel giddy. No joke. I have to wonder what planet she is living on, 'cause to me acupuncture is a necessary evil when your back hurts really bad. 

My acupuncturist, Pingping, who I love, tells me she puts the needles deep enough to "feel the energy." Apparently, my energy runs very, very deep. Ouch. Yesterday, Pingping ran across an "energy block" on my left hip strong enough to bend her needle. Don't ask. All I know is, I am feeling 90% better since our session, and she reported that my problem seemed to be a pulled muscle. Fist bump, people! Pulled muscles are much better than slipped discs, in my book. Thank the Lord above for instances of grace. Like pulled muscles.