Sunday, March 11, 2012

how to make a tie purse

Here’s how to make a tie purse. These are general instructions which I have come up with; feel free to adjust for different sizes or styles. Mine took parts from 7 different ties, with scraps left over to use on other purses.

First, lay out 3 ties, then lay out 3 more which are the same width across, at the widest part, right before the ties taper to the bottom point. Ties differ greatly in width, so you may need to use narrow end for some to make the sizes line up.

Decide how deep you want the purse to be. I used 9 inches on the front side, and 13 on the back, to account for the over-flap. Use a tight zigzag and stitch up the front and back sets of three, by butting them up against one another, then zigzagging them together.
Now, trim them off. Take the narrow ends of two of the ties for the side/strap parts, and join all sections together, with these narrow parts on the sides.

Now you need to close the purse bottom. The easy way is just to stitch it across, then add a trim on top of the stitching. This makes a flat purse. I like to make it a little roomier. I get old leather coats from Goodwill. Here is the one I used here.
I got it for 5 bucks. I cut a rectangle as big as the bottom opening of the purse, plus a quarter inch on each side. I place it in the bottom, cutting a tad into each corner, then stitch it in from the inside. This is tricky, and the hardest part. Next, I get some trim and sew it over the outside stitching.

For this purse, I decided to use two trims, one on top of the other, to make it more interesting.

Now, make the strap. I like to add a portion of another tie to make it look better. I just stitch them together on a diagonal, then zigzag over top. I added a buckle, too,

 just because I like how it looks. Sew on a button, add a loop on the flap above it, and you are done!

Have fun. If you make a purse, email me a picture of it. If you have any questions, email me, and I’ll try to help you out.


  1. And all this time I thought you were saying Thai purse. LOL

  2. The one you made me for my birthday is sooooo pretty! People always ask where I got it! and I proudly say my friend, Kim, made it!

  3. Yay! Finally! The highly anticipated tie purse blog post has arrived...

    And Jamie is an excellent purse model, I must say.

    1. Now you can sleep at night. I expect to see you sporting your own tie purse the next time I see you! TTFN
