Wednesday, January 29, 2014

countdown to Friday

This is a picture from my Paris trip last year that I was experimenting on with filters. I miss that place and go back often in my mind. 

The past few days have been a whirl of moving prep. I know I've been yammering on about my daughter's impending move for what seems like eons, but we are in the countdown to liftoff. She leaves Friday: in two days. I am learning that one needs many, many things to move to Rio. Like a suitcase for a bicycle, nightstands, shoes and more shoes, throw pillows, a trainer for the bike to run on indoors, several pencil skirts, maple syrup, an air mattress, to name only a few. Luckily, she is buying it all, adult that she is, but I am her partner in crime when it comes to shopping for it. Hey, I know my skills. And they are bargain hunting. Tomorrow, we hit the road at seven am for an adventure to White Rock Lake. I will walk around it, she will do loops with her bicycle, then we will go to see a woman about a nightstand. Next, I will drop her off to meet her friend for tea while I zoom home to get ready for my little neighborhood buddy to come for crafts and games. I almost feel like a mom/chauffeur again, instead of an empty nester/trophy wife. (Hee hee) Aaah, the many hats we wear. Each holds its own joys and mysteries.


  1. i can imagine you and Lauren out bargain hunting - oh the joy - hey next time i visit can we go to that lake and walk around - it sounds pretty cool

  2. The shopping was pretty schweet. You would have loved it. Ha ha. Mos def on the lake, though!
