Thursday, February 20, 2014

cutie cake, round one

My cake invention was not a rousing success. I liked it, but I tend to like everything. Other reviews were mixed, so, obviously, it needs refinement. The idea was to boil up these cuties and put the cooked clementines and their liquid in a blender, then use that in place of butter. I figured the skins would provide some oil and there is not much white pith on these to make it too bitter. I added some olive oil, but should have put some water in and perhaps a tad more olive oil. Anyhow, it was intensely citrus in flavor and rather light in texture. The Cutie Cake recipe:

Start by boiling 7 cuties is a small amount of water, covered so that it steams until soft throughout. Cool, then pulse in blender until thick and smooth.

Mix 1 yellow cake box mix, 2/3 cup of the cutie mash, 1 Tablespoon olive oil, and 3 eggs. Beat 4 minutes, then put into a greased and floured rectangular cake pan, bake as directed on cake mix package. When done, poke holes all over top of cake with a chopstick. 

Mix 1/2 cup each of water, cutie mash and sugar and bring to a boil, then simmer a few minutes until sugar is dissolved. Pour this over the top of the cake. That's it. Enjoy. I plan to tweak this recipe some more, because I think it has a lot of potential to be a healthier version of birthday cake. Let me know if you have any ideas for improvement.

My sister sent me these flowers yesterday - what a fun surprise! Thanks, Lisa.


  1. Sometimes applesauce is used instead of oil or butter, but you had probably already considered that. I'm sure it will eventually turn out to be fabulous, because you are a great cook! mm

  2. Kim I am glad you liked the flowers - they are pretty - sorry the cake didn't turn out so good -it sounds good!!!
