Wednesday, February 26, 2014

word crush, Portland, book find: good things

Sometimes, I can get hung up on a word or phrase, turning it over and over in my mind to relish, like a lollipop that you never want to get to the end of. My current word-crush is solar plexus. I got stuck on it writing a poem about how words can get inside of you and change you in a magical way right down to your solar plexus, which is like a hub or center connecting many core parts of your body. So, the sound is cool, but also the concept. 

I have gained a lot this year through the words of gratitude I conjure most mornings and nights. I heard a TED talk by a guy who was an expert on happiness, and he said that his first waking thought each morning is to picture five people who love him and to give thanks for each one. That is a powerful boost and I have found it so helpful in starting my days off in a creative and calm state of mind. Also, I have been memorizing a few Bible verses, just to have them handy to meditate on. I like this one from Jeremiah 29:13 in which God says, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." I love that because it is comforting and speaks to the faithfulness of God. Don't we all need something that we know we can depend on?

Oh my goodness, Portland was sooo much fun last weekend. The trip was Thursday through Monday, and it is the reason I have not blogged. I went without QG, so it was a girls weekend with my daughter, Kelly. We did most of our favorite things: hiked, cooked, thrifted at several Goodwill stores, went to two movies (both good: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and The Dallas Buyer's Club), ate ice cream, drank coffee and our favorite beer: Carolus, hung out, went to yoga, etc. We drove to the coast, which was lush green forest against deep blue water and black rocks. These photos are from the trip.

Also, on the flights, I read a wonderful book: The Magic of Ordinary Days by Ann Howard Creel. Wow, beautifully understated in the poetic simplicity of the language, yet dense in telling detail. It was set during WWII and involved an arranged marriage, and the intersecting lives of many groups in Colorado. I highly recommend this gem.

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