Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Saving Mister Banks is a must-see

Quick post because I need to leave for yoga in seven minutes, but I wanted to recommend the movie Saving Mister Banks. Oh my heavens to Betsy, it is fantastic and you should not miss it. QG and I went to see it last weekend and I expected it to be good, but it was way better than that. I have not seen a movie that wonderful since Mud the summer before last. As you might know, the movie is the story of P.L. Travers and her negotiations with Walt Disney over the movie Mary Poppins, based on her book. The movie expertly weaves the story of her childhood with her battle with Disney over the tone and substance of the movie. Honestly, I was softly crying through half of the movie because it was so very touching and the acting was superb. See it, and tell me what you think.


  1. You know me -- I RARELY see a movie at a theatre. The next to last time was when you and I saw The Tree of Life (your favorite movie of all time) in Plano, July 2011, and the last one was Nebraska. Cindy and I went to that one because a friend of mine, Angela McEwan, had a part in it. In case you saw it, she was Peg, the postmistress, who was Woody's high school girlfriend. Oh yeah, I am watching on TCM, but have had to pause it several times, The Heiress with Olivia de Haviland. I will try to see Saving Mr. Banks. Is it nominated for any academy award or did it just come out in 2014. mm

  2. It is in the theaters now, but has been out a while.
