Monday, April 8, 2013

on tender mercies

Some things just attract me. Others don't. Can't explain why. I am obsessed with blue. The blue of the ocean and that of the sky are art, poetry, all of my happiest thoughts combined.I am in love with blue and happy to be alive this week.


I am thankful for fish, Florida and shells. I am thankful for those who have welcomed me into their home this weekend without even knowing me, and have now become friends.

I tagged along with my daughter Kelly to her boyfriend's grandparents home for a three-day visit. Some people are too sweet and inspiring for words. Just sayin'. And some people, like me, are just lucky. May we all remember to give thanks for tender mercies, open doors, and all the people in our lives. In the end, it always comes down to the who. 

I can't help thinking about my car accident two-and-a-half years ago. The worst was the first day of rehab when the OT lady had me sit there in my wheel chair and separate beads from play dough. Granted, she may not have been the most skilled therapist ever, as my hands were uninjured. But I was clueless, and dutifully picked out the beads, thinking life as I knew it was basically over. I thought my fourteen broken bones would never heal into anything close to a normally functioning body. Just goes to show you can never give up hope. If you are going through a rough patch, hang in there. With time, goodness can spring from unlikely sources. Now I can never fail to appreciate sunsets or ordinary days.  

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