Wednesday, June 27, 2012

people & style

Ever notice how people's homes tend to reflect their style of dress as well as their personalities? Yesterday, I practiced my photography on people. So far, Agnes and I have mostly shot flowers, bugs, and food. But, yesterday, we discovered people. How fun! Unlike bugs, they even talk to you during the process. My friend Iris and her husband Michael just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. If that's not worthy of a photo, I don't know what is. Awwww. Aren't they the cutest?
Iris is a great writer, but she is also a retired designer. She designed everything about their house, including the house. It is like a miniature museum. So elegant, yet comfy. Here are some shots for your decorating inspiration.

I am off to Portland to see my daughter Kelly for the weekend. Yeah. Super excited.  If I don't get a chance to blog in the meantime, I'll be back on Sunday to reveal my granola recipe. Bye, Buddy. I'll miss you.

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