Thursday, June 13, 2013

natural beauty appreciation day

Yay! 943 pages later, I am finito with my editing job. So now I can focus on photos again for a while, pardon the pun. I really missed Agnes my camera these past few weeks. The old girl is excited because I am taking her on a trip tomorrow, so stay tuned for some schweet California scenes. 

But for today, enjoy these beauties. I found all of this color right next door, in my neighbor Mumsie's yard. Luckily, she doesn't seem to mind me skulking about her yard, on a regular basis, to check out the latest blooms. 

It's weird how art can enter into a person. I am not just talking about art hanging on a wall, but also stuff like clouds, sky, flowers, rocks, trees, and rain: everyday art that anybody can see. Flowers and blue skies fill my soul in a way that makes it feel as if it is expanding to make more and more room for more and more wonder to enter in. 

If you just sit and stare at a flower for a long time, it can sort of shift something on the inside to make you a notch happier or more robust about the soul. It is hard to explain. The internal workings of art are mysterious and sacred in some way. But the greatest thing about natural beauty is that we don't need to buy anything or do anything special to experience it. We only need go outside and look, then quietly rest for a while to appreciate our find. Each day will usher in new treasures.

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