Friday, June 7, 2013

the tapestry

The cool thing about life is that we can never know everything. Some things are mysterious, like this spider web, filled with tiny water drops, collecting a bunch of leaves. God wove this together, and it's ordinary, yet so beautiful. Even the tiny bits of broken leaves belong, somehow, in the perfect imperfection of this art.

I am like one of those leaf bits: nothing special, often unconfident and clueless, though I'm working on those. But the finest thing I'm learning is that none of my fears really matter. What matters is being quiet, listening, and then doing. Maybe Quiet Guy has been onto something all these years with the quiet thing. Practicing quietness is amazing. Even for twenty minutes a day.

As I wait with open palms, I seem to know what to do next. The tapestry does not depend on me. I am just a thread, created in the perfect shade I'll need to be once the picture is revealed. Yesterday, a cool tapestry thing happened.

I found out my dad column was accepted. Big YAY! It will be in the Dallas Morning News on June 15th. The coolest part, though, was that I was able to hook up a buddy, who I've never actually met, though we've got close-ish ties through the whole six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon thing, to get to have her picture in the paper along with my column.

It is an amazing photo, and I think that the picture and the column were meant to be together. The details of how this happened are many and they involved God coordinating and me finally learning to listen. There was a test involved, whereby I had to get God to point my finger to a confirming word in the dictionary once I'd randomly opened it and pointed with my eyes closed. The word was emotional. The photograph is a perfect illustration of the emotions of the father/daughter bond, which, of course, is basically what the column is all about. Since He pointed me to the perfect word, I had to do my part in scrabbling around to try to get the photo into the paper alongside my column. Sorry, God. Next time, I'll try not to give you the dictionary test, but will trust you the first time you ask me to do something.


  1. One time Diane and Dan were on their way to a conference in Miami and were meeting the Smailis -well their car broke down on an obscure exit off I 95 - this was before cell phones - but God does not a cell phone to communicate!!! God spoke to Suzannes heart as they were traveling to turn around that something happened to Dan & Diane - so she told her husband to turn around the car - the Smailis had no clue of the Devines location but God told her where to turn and brought them to the Devines so they helped them and ended up going to the conference. That is how clearly God spoke!!! True story

  2. Interesting. Thanks for that.
