Friday, December 6, 2013

ice storm

Sometime during the night, our power went out. This morning, I could barely drag myself out of my warm bed into the freezing room, but, eventually, I popped up, slapped on a few sweaters, and ran into the kitchen. "Oh my gosh, how am I going to make coffee?" Coffee is always my first morning thought. Without it I am nothing. QG looks at me and goes, "Coffee may not be the worst of our worries today." I thought, speak for yourself, Dude. He doesn't like coffee, so he could never understand the intimate bond that coffee and I share, nor the years of shared experiences and camaraderie we have built up developing our relationship. Aaah, the memories.

Thankfully, crisis was averted. QG got out his camping stove and set up shop in the garage, from which he soon emerged with a steaming cup of good old Joe. So I guess he accepts this thing that Joe and I share. Then we looked outside to see the ice covering every surface from tree to road. That freezing rain sounded like gravel hitting our window all night long. So, we lit a fire. It was nearly freezing inside. Jamiewoo had to borrow a sweater. She is a Texas dog and hates cold. Here's where we spent the morning. The power went back on a couple hours ago. Whoot hoot! Oh course, this was right after I'd dragged the melting ice cream along with all of our freezer contents outside into the yard, only to bring them back in. Oh well. I'm considering that my work out for the day. I hope you are staying warm and cozy this December day. If you live in Dallas, may the electricity gods smile upon you and keep your power on.


  1. We are warm and cozy in Denton. Put on your cross-country skis and come on up!

    1. Sounds like an adventure! If only Jamiewoo was a sled dog, we could rig something up. We're about to see if my ancient minivan can get us to the gym only a mile away. Baby steps.
