Can I just say that friends are amazing. Since leaving home at nineteen, I've never lived near family. My two sisters are essential to my happiness and well being, but we live far apart, and do not get to see each other often. QG has a bigger family, all wonderful, but living far away. I don't know where I would be without the friends who have been nice enough to help me through life. Sometimes I barely feel worthy of such a blessing.
Last night Russ (QG) and I were invited by an incredible and wonderful friend, Carolyn, to her congregation's Seder at her friend Roni's house. These women had worked for days cooking and preparing for this event. What a special and meaningful time together. I love tradition, and the service included so many, which have been observed for thousands of years. Also, the food was delish. We even got left-overs. So, apparently, now that we have been to one Seder, we are family, and are automatically invited to future ones. Fine by me. Unfortunately, I did not take my camera. Next year.
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