Tuesday, April 17, 2012

happy Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, people! Today is a beautiful weather day in North Texas. Yeah, spring! Today, I'm thankful for...
The color purple.


Okay, so it's still National Poetry month. Here's a poem I wrote on May 2, 2009. That was pre-accident. It's weird, but now I seem to divide my life into before that accident and after the accident. Whenever I think of an event, the first thing I do is to calculate where the it fell in terms of the accident. I hate that. Though, actually, I think I'm doing pretty well with finally getting over the wretched thing. Maybe it will just always be some kind of reference point, as, of course, moving on is not the same as forgetting. Who knows?


I wish I could make sunshine.
I wish I could eat unlimited amounts of cheese.
I wish wrinkles didn’t appear with age.
I wish I had time to read all the books I own.
I wish I were more confident.
I wish I had a good singing voice.
I wish I never had to clean bathrooms.
I wish adults played catch and hide-and-seek.
I wish I’d grown up with two parents.
I wish bubbles fell from the sky sometimes instead of rain.
I wish I could buy the world’s best purse.
I wish I never worried.
I wish good health was guaranteed.
I wish everyone always had good breath.
I wish sidewalks were springy.
I wish I could eat sandwiches for every meal.
I wish I had a gigantic backyard.
I wish I were a published author.
I wish I could see God.
                                 -Kimberly Laustsen

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