Monday, April 2, 2012

poetry experiment

For day two of National Poetry Month, I decided to do an experiment. Experiments are so much fun, don’t ya know. I’m all about experimenting today, as I’ve been concocting some Easter egg dyes from random stuff in my yard and pantry. I’ll tell you how that turned out tomorrow, as it’s still in progress.
     But for today, I decided to resurrect an old poem. As I mentioned in my first post, I have 17, count ‘em 17, notebooks full of writing, mostly poems which have lived quite comfortably on my shelf for years. The first notebook was started on December 12, 1994. I’m gonna shuffle those notebooks up, choose one at random, open it, and type up the first poem I come to.
        Here’s the thing, though. If I can do this, and put the goofy thing out here, maybe you can  write a poem today. If you do, send it to me. Please. I want to read it. I promise not to judge. You are sure to get an ‘atta boy for trying. The thing is that words get under your skin. They illuminate your life once you let them in.
      Here goes. Okay, so I opened to July 26, 2010, and there was, in fact, a poem on that page. Not the best, perhaps, but that’s okay. I’m sticking to my experiment.

The Now
Some people care about being right.
I care about being happy.
I long to be lighthearted.
To sit in the sun, enjoying the
warmth with all of my energy.

I want to laugh with every cell.
I want to live, and to let my
actions do the talking. I don’t
need a deep philosophy, but
only to be happy in this moment.

That's it for today. Thank you so much for reading my blog!


  1. This is fascinating to me, considering that point in time. I am glad it's 2012. I care about friendships that mean more than being right. Love you!

  2. Thanks, old buddy! (And by old, I mean long-standing.)
