Monday, November 5, 2012

bend and stretch

Lately, I've been learning a lot. Stretching out of my comfort zone is not easy. I am stiff and old and set in my ways.

I like to know what's happening and what I'm doing. But here I am taking advanced photography, photoshop, and learning to be a Dallas Morning News columnist. Lord, help me. The columnist thing is getting less scary now that I've done a few, but the first one almost sent me screaming for the nearest mental ward, such was my panic. 
Here's the deal: the important thing is not whether you're scared about trying something new, but only that you do it. 

No matter what it takes, you need to forge ahead. Be brave. Be bold. Live on the edge. 

All of these new things are scary but incredibly exciting once you've taken the step. 

My sister Lisa started a new job this week. After twenty years in physical therapy, she will be working in an office overseeing cases. It is a huge switch. It will be easier on her back. She is brave. 
Try something new and scary this week. If an old gal like me can learn photoshop, then anything is possible. Just close your eyes and take a plunge. You'll be amazing. 


  1. All right, now. When you finish the photoshop class, we must get together so that you can take my picture. I must look perfect--no double chins or fat! I know you can do it, and it will lift my spirits. Jamie looks adorable, and you are not old!!

    1. It is a deal. With my new techniques, by the time I'm done, I'll be able to make you look like Julia Roberts. Well...okay, that may be a slight exaggeration, but I can def shave off a bit of chin or a mole!

  2. These pictures are incredible! So amazing :)

  3. I just had to make the flower the backdrop of my phone it is so gorgeous!

    1. Thanks. I am honored to be featured on your phone!

  4. Well Kim I am forging ahead with my new job- i feel like the feather and the Lord is lifting me and guiding me. I am stretching like you are and it feels good. Change is a challenge but it is needed
