Sunday, November 18, 2012

camping? seriously?

On Friday, Quiet Guy and I headed out to Tyler State Park here in Texas to camp with some buddies. The fall leaves were beautiful. The temperatures, not so much. It got down to 35 degrees the first night - too cold for my thin blood. Even with Jamie the wonder dog inside my sleeping bag with me, I froze. We came home after one night instead of two. What can I say? I am wimpy. Despite the cold, it was gloriously lovely. Granted, my warm bed, once I got home to it, was even lovelier  and I will never take it for granted again, but here's what I loved about our adventure:

Sunshine, water, logs, trees,

berries, yellow,




pine cones, burnt orange,

blue skies. Thank you, Lord, for this ravishing earth, sky and air to breathe. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. LOL at the thought of you and Jamie inside a sleeping bag together. It must have been a three-dog night! Friends -- Pat and Tammy? Were they as cold as you? I love the pics. mm
