Tuesday, December 4, 2012

kitchen - boom, done.

How is it possible that I've spent ten more hours today finishing up the kitchen paint job? Stuff takes longer than you think. Also, I am oddly thorough. For instance, since the fridge was pulled out for the painting, I felt the need to remove the back of it and vacuum out all the dusty pipes, etc inside. Who knows when I'll have the chance to do that again, right? And then there was the garage and back porch to bring up to the new kitchen's standard. It's a slippery slope. But, enough already

Anyhow, the important thing is that all is now done, except for the window treatment, TBD soon. Exciting greenness now abounds in our eating and cooking arena. Tomorrow, I will get back to contemplating life and photos.

On a sad note, when my next door neighbor went to bed last night, his schweet red truck with the fancy wheels was safely parked in his driveway. Or so he thought. This morning, when he tried to head to work, he found a sad truck sitting neatly on top of four cement paving blocks. No wheels. Seriously, where do knuckleheaded criminals get off thinking they can just take the property that others have worked so hard to obtain. Grrrrr. Makes me crazy.


  1. Wow i love your paint job- looks really great. I can't believe someone stole those tires- unbelievable

  2. Love the kitchen and just read some of your more recent posts. Very heartwarming.

  3. Love the green. Just read some of your more recent posts. Heartwarming.

  4. Love the kitchen and just read some of your more recent posts. Very heartwarming.
