Monday, December 3, 2012

kitchen paint, rusted cars, and the vein doctor

People, people, people. I've missed you. Painting the kitchen took over my life this weekend to the tune of seventeen precious hours. I'll post before and after pics tomorrow. It was the doors, woodwork, walls, pantry and all. Had to use oil based on the wood parts, which was your basic disaster. The stuff seems to glom onto me of its own accord. And it's so hard to remove. You have to use mineral spirits, which is so drying. Finally I stopped rubbing mineral spirits onto my legs when they reached the leathery texture of a saddle. I figured the remaining paint would eventually wear off on its own.

Of course, as luck would have it, today I had my appointment with the vein doctor... oh joy. My first such appointment, and he's grabbing my leg peering with his face about a quarter inch from the back of my calf and he goes, "What color paint did you use? It's the exact color of your veins and I'm trying to figure out weather this is a vein or a splotch of paint." So, apparently, my veins are svelte sage colored.

Oh well. I figure the guy probably needs an interesting challenge now and then to keep him on his toes. The bad news is that the splotch was a vein. Since the appointment, I've had that song stuck in my head... I'm sooo vein, do do  do do. That's how my mind works. Anyhow, they tell me the bad vein can be gotten rid of easily, as they no longer strip the things but  now zap them to make them die in place, so I guess that's one thing to be thankful for.

Anyhow, here are a couple more pics from the auto ranch. I like to think of all those old cars hanging out relaxing together in the sunshine. When you look at jalopies a lot, they seem to have faces and personalities.

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