Sunday, May 26, 2013


Here's something interesting: my neighborhood craft buddy, Morgan, just called a little while ago to ask me a question. That fact that she called is not the interesting part. She calls me all the time. The question is the interesting part. She said, "I need to ask you a question. Which is more important, a book or a friend?" 

What would you say? I will reveal my answer tomorrow, but if you are a regular reader, you probably know it already.  Though, I must admit that this question was a remarkably tough call. What book and which friend? I just love interesting questions.
Here's something else interesting. When I talked to my oldest sister who is recovering from a stroke the other day, she told me that she was heading out to the art supply store to buy some acrylic paints as, having survived her stroke and narrowly missed severe brain damage or worse, she now desired nothing more fervently than to paint pictures with acrylic paints. 

Oh, my Lordie, thinks I. When I was lying in a hospital bed after my serious car accident a couple years ago, all I could think about was getting home and crawling upstairs (which would take seven weeks to be able to accomplish, but who's counting?) to my craft room in order to paint away with watercolors. Watercolors consumed my imagination like nothing else in that dark time. Why did both of us sisters, having never particularly been painters before,  crave the art of painting above all else after potentially fatal events? Perhaps someone could study this. Until then, let it remain one of life's delicious mysteries. 

Takeaway (how easy can this be? I am revealing my theme here): enjoy each day, for today is all we can be assured of. Do what you love, whether it be painting, reading or chilling with your friends.

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