Thursday, May 9, 2013


Today, my baby girl turns twenty-seven. How is that possible, you might ask? I had her at age five, of course. Actually, I was twenty-five, but when I went to the OB doctor for the first time, having already peed on the strip and found it positive, he looks at my paperwork, eyes me up and down and goes, "Says here you're twenty four. How old are you really?" I go, "Ahh. Twenty four. Really." 

I think he suspected I was about twelve. Crazy dude. Anyhow, it's funny how my kids' b-days make me way more nostalgic than my own. It seems like only a day ago that this little ray of sunshine called Lauren came into my life.

What I remember most about that day, aside from the pain of course, was for the first time knowing that I, of all the people in the entire universe, was the absolute happiest. And I was. May each of us, whatever our reason, get to experience such a day. 

Happy Birthday Lauren! My fondest hope is to be just like you when I grow up. Really.

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