Thursday, May 2, 2013

my thrifting life

Today, I have my recent thrifting finds to share. Eeeek - thrifting is so fun! What's more enjoyable than sauntering through a Goodwill checking out the wares? Though I try not to spend time doing such too often, now and then, a thrifting afternoon is just what the doctor ordered.

A few years ago, I went through the workbook, The Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron. It is a great tool for getting more in touch with your creative side. No matter what your creative interest, I recommend this book and have given it to many pals. One major assignment Julia gives in the book is the weekly "artist's date." This is some activity, which you particularly enjoy doing alone for a couple hours. She not only gives you permission to indulge, but she orders you to do so, at least once a week. For me, this whole concept was revolutionary. I'd not been raised to indulge. Nor to enjoy frivolity. Alas, Ms. Cameron required me to do so, at least for a couple hours each week.

I wonder how many other women out there are like I was, thinking, it's fine to sacrifice for everybody but myself. Why do we, as women, often think of our own needs as taboo. The artists' date changed my life in a real way, giving me permission to while away a few hours a week doing nothing whatsoever productive.

Generally, my artist's dates consist of me wandering aimlessly through Goodwill: it's my drug of choice. Could be worse. A lot of times, I don't buy anything. I'm picky. But here are a few of my recent finds. The wooden trivet was only 99 cents. The flip flops were also 99 cents. I know what you're thinking... used shoes.. eeeeeu. These were brand new, and will do me just fine at the gym pool. The schweet long shorts were $4.99, but I had a coupon, so they cost me $2.49. Nice. The belt was $1.99. Not too bad. I implore you to indulge your whimsy, at least once in a while. You need it. You deserve it!

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