Monday, November 18, 2013

mosaics, movies, and a TED talk

I hope you enjoyed your weekend. QG and I cleaned out both attics, did yoga, cooked, watched movies, ate out with friends, and went to Half price Books and Trader Joe's: a perfect weekend. Also, I did a cranberry experiment, which I'll tell you about tomorrow. I am deep into a cranberry obsession. It involves a mission.

For now, I want to share these two photos. They're from the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravena, Italy: a town famous for its mosaics. This particular site was, by far, my favorite of all of the mosaics there. It's the oldest (built it 417), best preserved and most visually arresting of the lot. I could not get enough of staring at the ceiling of this entryway (top picture). If QG had not dragged me out, I'd still be there. The picture at bottom is the southern lunette area. That was pretty incredible, too. Every bit of the ceiling in that place is covered in tiny mosaic tiles perfectly placed to shine most alluringly. So thrilling. I've added mosaic artist to the list of things I want to be one day.

We watched two great movies this weekend, both available on instant Netflix. The first, called Haute Cuisine, is  French film about Hortense Laborie, who spent two years as the personal chef for President Mitterrand of France in the late eighties. I love movies involving interesting people and luscious food: this covers both in spades. You don't want to miss it.

The second movie was Beauty is Embarrassing: The life and Times of Artist Wayne White. Again, a fascinating gem not to be missed. Wayne is so unpretentious and low key, you almost feel like you've gotten to become his friend by the end of the movie. Really. Wayne and I are tight now. You'll see what I mean. Mostly, though, I found his dedication to his art so inspiring.

I am always listening to TED talks, and I heard one lately that everyone should hear. It's called On Humanity by Chris Abani. Check it out. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll ponder it for days.


  1. BOTH attics? Is one in the house and the other above the garage? Also, what is TED? I love the mosaics but most of all your photographs, which are divine. mm

  2. Yep - the garage and house. TED talks are a collection of talks on all kinds of topics. Just google TED talks, and you can listen away. Also listen to the Amy Cuddy talk on body language. There are tons of great ones. Their motto is, "Ideas Worth Spreading" that is true, the talks have such interesting ideas.
