Monday, November 11, 2013

random vacation shots

I am still catching up on household stuff and deadlines, so will have lots more vacation photos soon. Sadly, I spent another hour and a half on the phone with AT&T yesterday straightening out the stuff the guy did on my previous two and a half hour call. He somehow charged me double last month. Oy. Why do these things happen to me? Anyhow, Shamika, the gal I talked to yesterday, was super-nice and I think we have everything straightened out now.

Here are a few random shots I worked on today. When I am travelling, I get obsessed with watching every sight and person I can see to look for interesting stuff, like this statue in Barcelona. Love that art. QG, apparently, found inspiration as well. What a ham!
Oh my Lordie, have you ever seen a smaller car? This was in Ravena, Italy. My buddy Pat beside the car is barely over five foot, so this thing is like a clown car for tiny folk.
It was interesting that in all of Italy and Spain, I rarely saw women pushing strollers, but lots of men were. I especially liked this dude because of his hot pink underpants. This cute older Asian couple were getting their Tai Chi flow on at the park on our last morning.
 Also, in Barcelona we saw loads of vibrant graffiti and hanging meat legs everywhere.
I'm sorry. I tried to resist taking this shot. I really did. But she kept walking in front of me and I had to watch the whole world rubberneck in her wake as I innocently tried to photograph the Gaudi buildings. I wondered if she might be one of the real housewives of New York, as the accent was def Big Apple.

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