Monday, September 10, 2012

on tank tops & Jessica Simpson

I confess. I am addicted to tank tops. Perhaps that is a byproduct of living in Texas in the Summer. Anything else seems too confining when it is over 100 degrees outside. Here is my collection of tanks, minus the one I am wearing now and the few currently trapped in the laundry cycle.
So, after weeks of seeing the commercials, I inadvertently caught the first episode of the new Katie Couric show. I ended up hitting the gym right when the show was starting today. Did almost an hour on the elliptical, so saw almost the whole thing. I have to say that I enjoyed the Jessica Simpson segment. I am not a hater. I especially liked when Katie asked Jessica, who is the new Weight Watchers spokesperson, what she had learned in the past year. Jessica said that she had learned to go easy on herself, to not freak out about being perfect, but to learn to cut herself slack and do her best. Period. I so related to that. That is what I have learned as well. I heart you, Jessica!
We women tend to be so harsh on ourselves. Why? I have rewritten the script handed to me at age eight or so. That script said that I was destined to be a martyr and that martyrdom was the ticket to being liked. Heck on that. My new job is to be me and to follow my own little heart. 
It is okay to have slow days. It is okay to read in the afternoon or to spend hours photographing bugs. We all have our destiny. It is within us at birth. That is where the "in" in intuition comes from. We need to quietly  listen to our own bodies. It is my contention that the body knows. If we learn to listen, it gives us signals along the way to tell us what we are meant to do. That is why this life is so beautiful and exciting.


  1. life is a journey full of hills and dales- the low parts help us appreciate the view from the mountain top
