Monday, September 3, 2012

one scrappy life

Happy Labor Day! 

I hope you are getting to relax. 
Yesterday, QG and I started watching season 2 of The Killing -oh my lordie, it is the best series ever - if you have not seen it, I challenge you to watch the first episode without getting addicted. It is not possible. You will emerge hours later, bleary-eyed from watching tons of dark and rainy episodes. I think we watched 6 or 7 straight - a super-fun and indulgent waste of time which I highly recommend (though I was crocheting the whole time so something got done). 

Today, I've been working on poetry, gave Jamie a bath in the back yard, read the newspaper, did some gardening and ironing and took a few pictures around the neighborhood. QG and I are about to go out for lunch as soon as he gets done scrubbing the kitchen floor - don't know what possessed him to do that, but I'm not complaining. 
I love this kind of day: a day pieced together out of random scraps. Here are a few of the pieces. See how many fun bits you can squeeze into today. Enjoy!


Rumbly mountain top
Cardboard cereal box
SuperBall bouncing high
My own corner of bluest sky
A pond to splash and swim
So many games to win
Sunlight on skin
Secrets within
White light ahead
So much to dread
Spiders on forehead, shoe
More than I can do
Arms falling slack at sides
Feeling like I should hide
Not sure of what I see
Don’t know all I need
Happy, yet sad
Try to be glad
Life spilling over, beneath
Wanting to learn, not teach
Sitting quietly at rest
Finding I am blessed
         -Kimberly Laustsen