Thursday, May 24, 2012

random acts of chocolate

In the past week, I've been the recipient of two (count 'em two) random acts of chocolate. How exciting. How beautiful. How bizarre. I've never had one of these before, let alone two in one week. Must be a sign, as I believe in signs. I propose we start a  Random Acts of Chocolate (RAC) movement. When someone does something completely unexpected and completely chocolaty for you, it is the best feeling in the world.
RAC 1: So, here I was last Tuesday morning manning my post to safely cross the kiddos. I do this for several reasons. First, there's something great about getting up early in the morning and hanging out with a bunch of kids. Second, I have a soft spot in my heart for my local elementary school. I spent many hours schlepping my daughters to and fro, and volunteering there. Third, I mostly write and edit, which can get lonely. Fourth, have I mentioned I got hit by a car coming home from school in first grade?Yep, it happened alright. I was tossed up into the air, and landed in a heap on the side of the road.
If not for my oh-so-stylish thick Naugahyde skirt, I would have most likely broken my hip then (as opposed to when I actually did break it on 9/25/2010). Yeah, I'm a bit accident prone. Back then, the doctors told my mom it was "a miracle" that my hip wasn't broken. Anyhow, my thought is, if I can prevent that from happening to even one child, then all the better.

So, here I was, safety vest in place, when a little girl, not a regular crosser mind you, runs up to me and hands me two Hershey's Kisses, saying, "Thank you for keeping our school safe." Awwwwww.

Naturally, I ate the chocolate. Mostly I was thinking how very wonderful it is to be on the receiving end of such a kindness. I was challenged to replicate such acts.

RAC 2: So, last Sunday, Quiet Guy and some friends and I went to a beer festival. One of my oldest (by oldest, I mean longest-standing) friends and her hubby are beer makers. They were in this Dallas Home-brewers Festival thing last Sunday in the Bishops Arts District. Naturally, QG and I, along with some buddies, felt obligated to go support them. It was super-fun.

At one point, QG and i got separated from out buds. We found them an hour later outside a chocolate shop. They all had heat-proof bags full of premium chocolate, and were raving about the shop where they'd just bought them. QG and I tried to then enter the shop, but it had just closed. Bummer. Oh well.
Next instant, some dude was shoving a truffle at me. This guy had seen us trying to enter the shop so as to buy chocolate, as he was exiting with his haul. He goes, " Here, try this truffle."

I'm like, "No, that's alright buddy. We're too late. It's okay."

The guy insists, " No, Take this... you have to try it. There's no way I can eat all this." (Pointing to his large full bag.)

I persisted, "No, really. It's okay. You bought it. You deserve to eat it."

This dude was not to be put off. Period. "No. Take it. I insist. You've got to try it."

At that point, of course, I acquiesced. I'm nothing if not agreeable. "Thank you. Thank you very much. You're soooo nice."
Quiet Guy and I shared the truffle. To say it was delectable would be an understatement. One friend said, "You know, that was about a five dollar truffle you just ate." 

"Yep," I said, licking my lips so as not to miss a molecule, "I believe it. Worth every penny."

This whole exchange made me extremely happy. It was random. It was kind. It was beautiful. Such things exist. Such things live. May I be the next to pass such felicity along.
As a last aside, these pictures have nothing to do with RAC's, as I did not have Agnes along during either of the kindness incidents. These pics are simply happy images from my neighborhood taken yesterday.

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