Wednesday, May 30, 2012

unfurling the blanket

On Monday, Quiet Guy and I decided to dig up a local adventure. It is amazing what you can find  nearby if you're skilled at nosiness. We ventured to the Farmers Branch Historical Park.
     Here's the cool thing: I heard about the park from one of my little friends at the school where I work. She's in third grade, and all of the third graders went there for a field trip a few weeks ago. I've known this little gal since before she was even one. When I worked at the library, I did the mother goose storytime for babies and her grandma would bring her every week. Now, here she is informing me of local attractions.
     Don't cha just love life?  And exploring? Especially if you're not in a hurry. Especially if you can amble with no agenda. I know life is busy. But sometimes you need to chuck it all: enjoy a slow day unfurling the blanket of this old world to gather up its pleasures.
     I'm a sucker for historical villages, and this place was a real find. We completely scored, as the buildings are usually closed on Mondays, but the kindly maintenance man, being caught up on his duties, offered us a comprehensive personal tour of all of the buildings, with a heaping helping of trivial factoids thrown in on the side. One does not refuse such an offer. It was fantastic. We all but had the entire park to ourselves, and spent a couple of hours drinking it in. Here are some highlights:


Gilbert Home built in 1856

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