Tuesday, May 22, 2012

sandwich day

Something about today screamed out sandwich. The sunny weather? The particular tilt of the Earth's axis? Who knows. The spirit moved. I followed. Here's the doozy I came up with. Please, for your own satiety, do try this at home. Ladies and gentleman, I present (dant da dah...): The Open Faced Eggaliscious Wonder.
Before you begin make two hard-boiled eggs.

Then take a small handful of cherry tomatoes, some thin-sliced white American cheese, some low-fat mayo, a sweet onion, and, most importantly... wait for it, wait for it...truffle salt.

If you do not have truffle salt, you can use regular salt, but, why would anyone ever want to live like that? Truffle salt makes everything(with the possible exception of ice cream) a skosh better. And the name:shout it: TRUFFLE SALT!, whisper it: truffle salt. Either way, it sounds delightful, almost like a lullaby. You can get it on line, or at Williams-Sonoma. It's pricey, but you only need a wee bit to impart loads of flava.
Take a slice of whole wheat bread, and slap it into the toaster oven to toast. Meanwhile, grab two hard boiled eggs and chop them up,then mix in some mayo. You don't want it too dry. Squirt a dab of yellow mustard, then sprinkle some truffle salt on it. Mix well. Take the toast, and slather the egg salad on it, then put a layer of thinly sliced onion, then a layer of chopped tomatoes, then the white American cheese. Pop this back into the toaster oven and toast till cheese is melted. Enjoy.
Thought for the day: Sometimes it is hard to accept mistakes. Like the other day, I accidentally sprinkled Agnes, my camera, with the hose (long story.) Aaargh. My Precious, drippy. I got her into triage stat, and I think she's fine, but I was panicked. I don't historically do well with making mistakes, though I am learning how to change my thinking, how to keep on rolling through the good and the bad. I'm reading a book called The Chemistry of Calm, which offers some interesting insights on this subject.
Thanks for reading. You are a gem. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. Remember that. Even if you make a mistake, you will still be just as wonderful, and the world will keep spinning along. 

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