Tuesday, February 19, 2013

a year in the life

I made it. One year of blogging is now... boom, done. It was so scary to start this blog a year ago, I thought I'd puke. It took five hours just to type and tweak the first entry. But I was stuck and needed this challenge so badly. 
Every day of this adventure has been interesting, fun, challenging, frightening, and exciting. 
 The best thing about it is that I feel close to every reader. In the end, life is really all about the people you share it with. 
Thanks, Buddy! I can't quit you. Thanks for reading and sharing my journey. If there is something you long to do, but are too scared to take the first step, just try it. You are amazing and awesome and you don't have to always know everything or make perfect choices. Sometimes there is no perfect choice, only being who you are and doing your best. That's what counts.  
Here are some flowers for you to enjoy. I went to Whole Foods for a flower fix today. It is so cheerful to see blooms when it is cold and still brown outside. 
Of course, today is also my birthday - 52 years ago today at 1:21 pm I came onto the scene in Pittsburgh, PA saying, "Hello, World... I love you." Okay, maybe I didn't say that exactly. But that's what I meant.


  1. I'm so glad you started your blog, and I look forward to every new post with gladness. mm
