Monday, February 18, 2013

tiny bliss day

Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of my blog. It is interesting to think about how much I have changed over the year. You'd think once a person is past fifty, they are basically established, but I have learned and changed more than ever these past months. Maybe it's a combo of transitioning from a mom to the empty nest, experiencing the car accident in 2010, which made me reevaluate everything, and ending my job of fifteen years to pursue other priorities. Lots of change. It's been an adventure with dips and peaks. 

More on that tomorrow, but today I was thinking about the little things. The small joys an ordinary days brings. These make a life. More than ever now, I'm a miner for the small joys. 

Everything I've been learning has taught me to stop and fully inhabit each happy second before opening my hand to let the fairy dust journey on. Really, that's the parenting game. I think I've finally got it. By it, I mean the last lesson, the hardest one. Be in, really in, every second, then be brave enough to open your hand when the time comes and let go. 

So, keep watch. Gather every moment you can and hold it tight. Then let go. That's the only way to have an open hand for the next bit of magic that floats your way. 

These pictures are a few treasures I found today. The scent of a new candle filling my kitchen, my dog Jamie lying on the carpet, the wind billowing into my window on a sunny day warm enough to let the outside in, five Jelly Bellies I enjoyed after lunch, the cozy nook where I sit and write. 

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