Saturday, September 14, 2013

7 days, 7 dinners, day 2: pizza

Oh my Lordie- reading glasses are the bane of my existence. The older I get, the more time I spend looking for them. It doesn't matter how many pairs I buy, they hide when I need them most. I mention this because I have spent the past fifteen minutes (precious moments I will never get back) searching the house for a stinking pair of glasses so as to write this post. Aarrgh! I finally found a sneaky little group of three pairs ganged up in, of all places, my stamps and envelopes drawer. Yay.

As to last night's dinner, it was an American classic: pizza and beer, with crudites thrown in for nutritional value. Fridays we pretty much always eat out with a group of buddies called "the Friday night group". Creative name, right? Anyhow, us three couples have been hanging out most Friday nights for years now. Love those people. Last night was a pool party, then we played the game Wizard. I lost, as usual. Whatever. It was fun.

I was responsible for bringing the veggies last night: simple carrot sticks, broccoli and cucumber slices with ranch dip. I boiled the broccoli pieces for 2 and 1/2 minutes, then plunged them in ice water to make them crisp, yer easier to munch on than the raw variety. Does that count as a recipe? Hope so.

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