Wednesday, September 4, 2013

on paint & compliments

There's no easier or cheaper way to bring new zest into a room than a paint job. Last weekend, I painted the dining room. It was long overdue. 

The old paint was a mustard-ish two-tone color wash, which I loved fifteen years ago when I did it, but I was ready for a cleaner, more contemporary look. 

On the advice of my friend Patricia, the decorating guru, I used the color wood smoke from Home Depot. I love it. The room has less pictures and items in it now, which gives me a nice calm feeling. Next, I'll tackle the living room. 

Also, I was just thinking about my haircut yesterday, which brings me to the topic of compliments. I tried a new girl last time because I got into a time crunch and my usual gal was booked up, but I had a coupon for a new place, so took a chance. 

I got Elise, she is young and starting out, but she did a fantastic job: exactly what I asked for, which never happens. So, yesterday, I went back to Elise (sorry, Siebel - I love you, but Elise is much cheaper and closer to my house), and told her again what a great job she'd done last time and how much I loved it. The girl was literally beaming: smiling from cheek to cheek. She said hearing that had made her day. Compliments take such a small effort, but they mean so much to the receiver. There are so many sweet, helpful people in this world quietly doing the best job they can every day, it's amazing. You rarely hear about those folks in the news, but you should. 

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. You are a wonderful, and thoughtful, and stylish, no doubt.

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