Thursday, September 26, 2013

beyond the mystery

I really like this image, which I captured recently. If you look closely, you can see part of a fox's face. I can, at least. To me, he is a friendly fox named Gulliver. Maybe you see something entirely different. Take a few minutes to stare, breathe and relax. What do you see?

In this life, we all view things differently depending on where we are starting from. Interesting. Our thoughts are fluid. Wherever your starting place, I hope that you remember to leave space for wonder and faith.

A few days ago, I reconnected with a very dear friend, whom I have not seen for fourteen years, as, through a series of moves, we had lost touch. But she randomly found me again through a column that I wrote months ago for the Dallas Morning News, though her story is much more compelling than any I have ever written.

From 2006 to 2011, she went through a medical odyssey akin to the afflictions of Job, during which her spleen burst, requiring emergency surgery, she spent time in two different Mayo clinics, as well as numerous hospitals, had  mercury poisoning, and spent three years lying in a dark room with her eye sewn shut and sores all over her body waiting to heal. Yes, this truly happened to my precious friend.

Finally, in 2011, her body started to function again by the grace of God, who had became her truest friend and closest helper her during her period of suffering. Wow. This woman is an amazing and beautiful person, which just goes to show that life is mysterious, and, with God's help, you can probably handle way more than you think. Believe it. Open your eyes and trust.

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