Thursday, January 10, 2013

on finding and cheese

Once again, I have lost my lens cap. What is it with me and lens caps? Though, to be honest, I also constantly loose my reading glasses, no matter how many pairs I buy. I spent a good deal of this morning searching for LC, even to the point of emptying out the trash. Yuck. LC wasn't in there. It's got to be in this house someplace. Now I get to practice the art of unattachment and simply wait for LC to reveal itself. Last time I lost it was Christmas day. On January second it finally appeared on top of the fridge, pushed way to the back. What a joyous reunion, short-lived as it was. I am waiting. Find me, LC.

This makes me think of how happy finding is. Nothing like finding four leaf clovers, arrowheads, or  good friends along life's journey to brighten the way. Twenty-seven years ago, I found a good buddy at a Bible study on a naval base in Patuxent River, Maryland. We were both clueless new moms. We started yard saleing together on Saturday mornings and the rest is history. Last night, I hosted her 50th b-day celebration along with the book group we started fifteen years ago. I am thankful for friends,

and Double Ginger Lemon Drizzle Cake (yes, I made that beautiful thing, thank you very much),

and cheese (no, I didn't make that... thank you, cows of the world),

and kale salad (for this we have Bernadine, the kale whisperer, to thank).

Enjoy the small things, like good buddies and good food. Much as I try to aspire to the theoretical big things I should, in a perfect world, be accomplishing, I always come back to this day, this breath, this friend, this word of encouragement, this bite of cheese. Maybe life is really just about the friends and the cheese.


  1. It WAS a great party! So glad you got pics. Too bad everyone can't hear the Scottish music in the background... love the Proclaimers. Thanks for your friendship through thick and thin, Kim. You are a treasure. Turning 50 doesn't hurt at all when great friends are with you to help usher in the next half century!

  2. Amen to that, Sister. Good friends rock... good old (as in long-time) friends are best of all!
