Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday craft day: how to make a kaleidoscope

pre-crafting snack
As a disclaimer, let me just say that I write this while eating peppermint ice cream. I can't be responsible for what I say in this state. I am giddy with sugar-induced euphoria. The joy of peppermint ice cream is right up there with the birth of my first child. (Alright, maybe slightly below, but close.) I have fond memories of stopping at Howard Johnson's restaurant on numerous Friday nights as a child to get ice cream on the way to spend the weekend at my Uncle Duke's Christmas tree farm in Boyers, PA. My choice never varied from peppermint. Looking forward to that treat got me through many a looong, boring school day in 3rd to 6th grade. 

Speaking of kids, today was momentous. It was the start of Thursday craft day with my buddy Morgan from down the street. I met Morgan ten years ago, though she doesn't remember it. Understandable, as she was only six months old at the time. Her grandma used to bring her to Mother Goose Time, a story time for infants which I led for years at our local library. She then came to my toddler time, then story time. Then, last year when I quit the library and worked at my local elementary as a crossing guard, Morgan came early every morning to hang out before the walkers arrived. This year, I often see her at our neighborhood park when QG and I walk the dog, and, since I miss doing crafts with my kids now that they're grown ups, I decided to invite her to join me on Thursday afternoons for crafts and games. 

Today was super-fun. We made kaleidoscopes and played matching game. Here's how to make the kaleidoscopes:

You need to buy a sheet of black plexiglass and cut it into strips 1 1/4 x 8 inches. (3 per kaleidoscope.) We called around to supply places, and QG cut the sheet with a circular saw. (We did this years ago to make these as a class project with our daughter's class and kept these extras.) It comes coated with paper on both sides, which easily peels off. Aside from that, you need cardboard, or tag board, circles about 2 inches diameter, glitter, markers, colored paper scraps or tissue paper to decorate these, glue, duct tape, straws and a few pipe cleaners.

Peel the backing from one side of all 3 plexiglass strips. Form them into a triangle, shiny side facing in and tape it together with duct tape on all sides. Tape a straw along one edge, to be jutting out 1/4 inch on one end. You can stop here, but if you want it to look fancier, you can then wrap colored duct tape over it, or cover with contact paper, or tissue paper coated with a half glue half water mixture. Let dry.

Now poke a small hole in the center of the cardboard circle, then decorate it with colorful papers/glitter/stickers. You can make several of these with different decorations if you want. Cut pipe cleaner in half,  jab it into the hole, bending a half inch or so against plain side of disk. Now all you have to do is feed the pipe cleaner into the straw. Scoot the disc close to the opening  Look into the other end of the kaleidoscope, and spin the disc to enjoy the effects.

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