Saturday, March 9, 2013

Paris color, days 5 & 6

Tomorrow is my last full day in Paris, which precisely coincides with my finally having adjusted to the time difference. Great. Just in time to have to reverse the process. Last night was the first time I got to sleep before 3:30 am. I feel as if I should share some profound truths which I have discovered here, but none spring to mind. Maybe that's the big truth. We journey only to realize that the important things are those we carry.
I have taken about a billion pictures this past week. All kinds of challenging shots besides my usual easy close ups and well-lit flowers. Everyday, I'm not completely happy with my abilities, which is actually exciting, as now I'm finally catching on. There is so much more to learn! Most days, I've thought... Crap, I didn't get a decent shot, but then I find some cool ones when I load them on the computer. Thank the Lord for small favors. Here are some faves along with some Paris scoop.
These Parisians really, really like their flowers. There is an lush flower shop on almost every corner. I love that and what that says about how these folks appreciate beauty.

This marble staircase and the above art is in the Jacquemart-Andre museum, which was the home of a couple who collected art. The house is like a palace, but the audio guide described them as only upper middle class. I'd be happy to settle for an upper middle class home like that one.

I must be a cemetery groupie. Went to the Pere Lachaise cemetary yesterday, but it started raining after only a few shots and didn't stop, so I went back today, which was the first sunny day since I got here! That place is so interesting.

I absolutely can't get enough of quaint street scenes and churches. This one is the Church of St. Pierre-de-Monmarte and the one below is Sacre Cour, which didn't allow inside photography.