Tuesday, October 16, 2012

one good cup

Coffee never seems as magical as when you can't have it. On this particular morning, coffee is my life. I adore coffee with its rich toasty hue and invigorating aroma. It makes my think of the upcoming holidays, makes me want to curl up with  a good book, or stroll through my backyard in the cloudy cool air appreciating leaves. 
Of course, this morning I can't have coffee. Somebody shoot me. Put me out of my misery. End this one-sided love affair with mister Java Joe. I am suffering. Okay, maybe there are worse things. Granted. But not many. At ten a.m., I have my annual check up. Only water before that. My annual check up is a year overdue. The billions of doctors appointments I had after the accident permanently burned me out on medical exams. But alas, today I am finally bucking up, taking one for the team. Check up in the morning followed by a gallon or so of coffee then mammogram this afternoon. Who knows? I might even hit the dentist next week. I'll admit it feels good to finally tackle something I've been putting off. 

This is a start. There's this story I've been carrying around in my head for about five years now. I feel slightly inadequate to tell it perfectly. Oh heck. Oh crap. I might as well step off the ledge and start moving those words out onto the page. If nothing else, it will clear some room in my head for the next idea.
What things have you been putting off? I challenge you to start doing one of them. Then you can sit back and reward yourself with a steaming cup of my old pal Joe.


  1. What do you put in your coffee -- anything? I can't remember. Hang on -- soon you can have all you want. Do the sisters love it too? mm

  2. All three sisters love coffee. We grew up drinking it. I think it may have even been put in our bottles. Check up done, post check up coffee...aaaaaahhh. Delish.

  3. I am drinking a delish cup of Joe as I read this- so good- I guess Tuesday was a big day for both of us!!!

    1. Yes, but especially for you! Congrats on the new job. I am so proud of you, Pumpkin.
