Monday, October 29, 2012

rockin' the boots

Learning is my drug of choice. I was watching a BBC special on the brain and it said that continually learning new skills and facts is a key to preventing Alzheimer's disease. 
Also, it said that juggling is the all time best activity for increasing brain function.
So, I'm planning to take up juggling. Why not? I figure Quiet Guy and I can spend our retirement years juggling on the beach when we're not scanning for treasure with our metal detectors. 
In the meantime, I started my second photography class today: advanced digital photography... ooooh... aaaaah. 

In the first class, we learned the basic rules. Now we are learning to throw away all the basic rules and get artsy. It doesn't get much  better than learning more about something you love. Photography is amazing.

May you find what you love and keep on learning. And may you one day get a chance to juggle on the beach. And may you never commit a Glamour Don't as egregious as this one.

Yes, the dork on the elliptical rockin' the black leather ankle boots at the gym yesterday was me. The gym is on our way home from church, so QG and I always dash there as soon as the service lets out to get in 30 minutes of cardio before yoga class. I remembered all my workout gear except the sneakers. That's what happens when you have to leave the house before finishing your morning coffee. Zero brain function. I didn't want to waste my cardio time driving home to get the proper footwear. Who needs sneakers when they're already wearing stylish boots? So much for making it onto this year's People magazine best dressed list. Maybe next year.


  1. Sarah's son Brendan likes to juggle btw I think those boots are pretty stylish

    1. Maybe Brendan can share his juggling tips with you, then you can tell me!
