Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The lost Huckleberrys

Sad news. Funeral services for goldfish Charles and Sally Huckleberry were held this morning. It was a quiet, toilet-side affair and they went down in the manner in which they had enjoyed these glorious past five days: together. It's not illegal to flush goldfish is it?

I don't know what happened. Perhaps it had something to do with the water change operation I conducted yesterday. All I know is they were alive last evening when I said goodnight and turned off the light. But, sunrise disclosed a different tale. A grim tale. At least I gave them five happy days in their own bowl. They were humble pets nee "feeder" fish and I will miss their cheery presence. 

The lady at the pet store tried to convince me to get a beta, but goldfish are so much prettier in my view. Perhaps I will try the beta, or one of the official "pet" variety of goldfish with the bulging eyes. Opinions, anyone?
On a happier note, I a concocting an experiment in my dehydrator. 
 Orange slices sprinkled with either a little sugar or some maraschino cherry juice.
This could turn out to be a new healthy vitamin-C-packed treat sensation or a gloppy mess. Tomorrow, people. We have to be patient, as the dehydrator will not be rushed. 
PS. Whoever said you shouldn't play with you food had it all wrong. You should definitely play with your food. And then take pictures.


  1. So sorry about Charles and Sally. I thought you were going to say that they leaped out of the bowl and died without water. That happened to a fish that my friend Brenda had at her business, Monograms Ltd., where I used to work part-time. I was the one who found it, and I couldn't eat fish for ages after that. mm

    1. Sounds yucky. You're better off with your cats.

  2. I think you have to use distilled water for their bowls - if you used regular spigot water that may have caused their demise- but hey at least they went together!!!

  3. Kim i forgot to say that i think the chlorine in the water is the fish killing culprit. By the way the dehydrated oranges look good

    1. Okay, so I used the de-chlorination drops, but do you still need to use distilled water with those? If only you were here to oversee the fish health and safety.

  4. I said a bowl side prayer in their honor. So sorry
