Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday art day

Happy Friday! Enjoying nature, enjoying people, enjoying relaxing - consider these your job for the next two days. I know, I know... some people have to work on the weekend. If that's the case, then have fun every moment you are not working. When you get home, sip a glass of wine outside and listen to the birds. Just an idea. Here is a new poem, and some pictures from this morning. The cool thing about photography is it forces your attention onto all the interesting little things, like spider webs.


Inside this page is a
hidden door leading,
leading. Blue, sometimes
orange, turning purple,
then fuchsia. True
colors need no names,
only themselves
for proof. I would
trade in every word
to fathom the scarlet of
a single blooming rose.
         -Kimberly Laustsen