Monday, July 2, 2012

the happiness thing

Still tired. Still droopy. Don't know if it's from the mere two hours of sleep on Saturday night, or the blahness that comes once something special you've been looking forward to is over with. My problem is that I expect myself to be happy all the time, which is crazy, right? Life has ups and downs, both of which are okay. It's the both okay part that gives me trouble. I kind of know that part, but haven't quite memorized it yet.
paperweight snagged at a Portland Goodwill
When I was growing up, my mom had a famous line which was her rule for my sisters and me: "Just smile and be happy." This from a woman who moved her family fourteen times. Hmmm. Any time I was less than buoyant, I'd get chewed out for my lack of pep. This, of course, only made me feel guilty on top of unhappy. Oy. Oy, I tell ya. The happiness thing is a good goal which I still aspire to. But if I don't make it once in a while...eeh. Whatev. It's cool. I've heard it said that all of life is an effort to recover from childhood. Maybe. Old habits die hard. But the important thing is to keep trying. And to keep learning. And to keep smiling. But, not necessarily every day. Only on the days you feel like it. Capish?
Here are a few Portland blooms. Some flowers are so magical I long to climb aboard and recline on their velvety petals forever. When I get to heaven, I hope it's exactly like the inside of a yellow rose.

Here are some of the nicest folk around. Kelly's friend, Sarah, and her mom, Beth, invited us to a lovely tea at Beth's house. Good times.
Our relatives (actually relatives of our relative, which we have now claimed as relatives) had us over for the best halibut fish dinner in history. Check out that loaf of bread. It is Olina's favorite, so we brought them the industrial sized loaf from Ken's Artisan Bakery, which is right around the corner from Kelly's place. The bread was so huge it cracked us up. I had to get a picture.

Portland has about a billion coffee shops. If you go there, you must drink at least five cups a day. It is the law.
Kelly's humble apartment and other coolness.

Friends and fellow pizza eaters.

Enthusiastic UVA alum. As you can see.

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